Glass Textures – Regular and Fusion Glass Surfaces

Regular glass textures can be sandblasted or frosted for a more opaque effect. This effect can be done in place of back painting the glass, or in combination with. This is a great option for glass countertops that are placed over cabinets, or if you want to have storage underneath the raised bar area.


regular glass textures

The available textures for fusion glass are listed below:

fusion glass textures

The intensity of the texture be adjusted to a certain extent, however, we cannot guarantee a precise match due to the nature of the glass. Fusion glass countertops are created through a highly artistic process that will result in varied and unique results. The texture is created through the reactions of the glass in the kiln process, and cannot be highly controlled.

Getting A Quote:

If you have any questions about the available textures for regular or fusion glass countertops, email We will be happy to guide you in understanding the glass textures and assist you in ordering samples.