Exterior Concrete

Exterior countertops for outdoor kitchens and patio areas need to be durable and able to stand up to the elements. We  usually suggest engineered concrete or stainless steel countertops and cabinetry that fits this need.

Engineered concrete countertops are highly resistant to stains, water marks, and heat. The oiled finish makes the concrete very low-maintenance. Even outdoors, concrete countertops require minimal regular maintenance; daily cleaning with Windex, and oiling a few times a year to protect the finish.

There are also no unique limitations when using concrete for your outdoor kitchen. You may still choose from any color, edge profile, or design detail that you would for an indoor countertop.

Stainless steel countertops and cabinetry are another great choice for outdoors, as they do not require much maintenance or special care to remain like-new. Stainless steel surfaces may conduct heat in direct sunlight, but won’t become tarnished or rusted in direct sunlight.

This photo gallery represents just some of the styles of exterior countertops Brooks Custom can produce. Send your photos and drawings to quotes@brookscustom.com. Our design team will review your information and return a proposal: 1-2 days for standard items; 2-5 days for custom work; a week plus for architectural custom projects.