VIdeo – Mahogany Wood Countertops

Video - Mahogany Wood Countertops Transcript
Hi. I'm Richard Brooks. Today we will talk about mahogany countertops. Mahogany is a wood that is found in South America, in Africa and throughout the Pacific Rim. It's a fast growing tree and grows up to 200 feet tall and 4 feet in diameter. It can be very strong and display many different types of grain.

Here I've got an example of African mahogany also called Sapele. It's responsibly harvested and commonly available. It displays a beautiful rich red brown. Here's a selection board showing natural color and varying shades that we can stain it down to.

Here I've got an example of an end grain chopping block. This is mahogany combined with maple for effect. This is Sapele used as premium wide plank with a marine oil finish. It allows us to produce a stain proof and very tough as nails finish that will make mahogany last in your home for decades.

Mahogany is used throughout the world for building materials, for the ridge beams of houses, for outdoor railings and for trim on houses in North America that resist rot. It's a great wood that will hold up a long time in a countertop application.

Click here for more information on mahogany wood countertops. Send all pricing inquiries, with photos and drawings of your project, to our estimator. We will review all requests as they are received and will return proposals within one to two business days.
